Get Ready For 2014: Second half
Now that we've almost reached the halfway point in the year, take the time to look back and figure out what worked and didn't work out for you so far. This quick review will help prepare you to propel your success for the second half of your year. That’s right, it’s almost half over! In the business world, this is the time to begin reviewing accomplishments and figure out what to focus on for the second half of the year. This isn’t just a business practice however – you should totally be using this strategy in your personal life, too! I’m sure you had goals come New Year’s Eve that you either forgot about or gave up on.
Now is the time to take a
look back! Have you just been sitting around procrastinating for nearly half
the year saying, “I still have plenty of time to accomplish that.”? If you
really want to end 2014 better than you started it, now is the time to evaluate
what is working and what isn’t.
The simplest rule for
making changes in your life, is action. Nothing will ever change if you keep
doing what you’re doing right now! Opportunities will not just walk by and slap
you in the face. The quickest way to jump-start change in your life is by
changing your mindset. When you figure out what doesn’t work, you can adjust
what you want to accomplish and set yourself up to succeed. Maybe you
procrastinated almost half the year away, and that’s alright. Instead of
beating yourself up about what you didn’t work on, figure out what you can
still get done before the end of the year! So instead of a mindset that is
stuck on what you didn’t do, focus on what DID do right and what you can do
from this point on!
Even if it’s just one
small thing on your list of goals, it will help motivate you, and by the end of
the year your list of goals will be a lot better than last year.@LU
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